Wednesday, 27 June 2012


I have always steered clear of menswear because I just generally find suits boring and I had the misconception that all male fashion was just SUITS SUITS SUITS but alas I WAS WRONG (so much caps-lock).  In fact I was wrong on two levels: menswear is not all suits and suits are not always boring.  I owe my newly sparked interest in this area to Susie from stylebubble, and her post about Carven's S/S 2013 show.  I love the collection!  It's so understatedly cool and refreshing, I think.  Here are some of my favourite looks.
I particularly love the jumper (bottom right).  Hang on, maybe I just like this because I would wear it.... meh.
Tommy Ton is another influencer on my sudden good vibez towards men's clothing.  I think this Hello Kitty suit had something to do with it.
And I'm pretty sure the one in the middle is a guy and I'm pretty sure his amazing jacket is from Prada S/S 2012 (women's) and it looks so good!  The orange backpack, the printed pants... I love these guys.  Can we be friends?
Scott Schuman also posts some really interesting takes on suits.  Check out this suave fellow.  (Did I just say that?????)
Images from, (Tommy Ton) and (Scott Schuman). 

1 comment:

  1. You have such an eye for finding inspiration. Now I sound pompous. I love it all.



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